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Change voice of your Google Assistant on Android

Change The Voice On Google Assistant on Android Google released an update where you can change the voices and I believe there are eight different voices now. Step to change the voice of your Google Assistant: On your Android phone, touch and hold the Home button .  In the bottom right, tap Explore & Your stuff .  In the top right, tap the 3 dots and then Settings .  Tap Assistant and then Assistant voice . Next, Choose your favorite voice. when you click on an assistant voice then you see this eight different assistant voices that are out there and the first one is the default one that everybody had for the last couple of years and then there are the seven new ones , so choose your favorite voice. List of voices are available in Android?  Red  Orange  Amber  Green  Cyan  Blue  Purple  Pink  British Racing Green  Sydney Harbour Blue Note: This feature is available in some lang...

How to suddenly get 1000 subscribers in YouTube?

How to suddenly get 1000 subscribers in YouTube?

The number one question I get and it's been the number one question or inquiry that I have gotten for years is, how do I grow on YouTube.
launch a channel how do I get to a hundred subs how do I get to a thousand subs what am I doing wrong why can't I grow is YouTube against me is it pure luck to blow up on YouTube these are the type of questions that I get tweeted at and in the comment section and in my email all of the time so I thought I would put together a post to help you guys get started on your YouTube path if this is something that you have decided to do and know there is no special formula in here that you're going to shoot up and have PewDiePie numbers but I am going to give you some insight some steps and some thoughts that maybe some of these other videos that have done this didn't quite touch on and as we get started in the comments section let me know what your channel is all about as this video goes out I will be spending some time checking the channels that people put in the comment sections as well I'm always looking for a cool new channel to watch so I present to you ten steps on how to get to 1000 subscribers on YouTube step number one upload consistently and you're probably saying come on guy. we've we've all heard this one this is anything special no it's not
but it is a foundation of how you can grow a channel if you look at the successful channels out there most of them rely on consistent uploads whether that be daily uploads - daily uploads I see some bigger channels that do five daily uploads or even by daily uploads so they upload every other day but whatever they do their schedule is consistent I have seen so many channels die over the years I'm gonna take a week off I'm not feeling it I'm gonna take a month off I'll come back and I'll hit it super hard when I'm ready and the second they do that their channel suffers there used to be a time on YouTube where you could upload one to two videos a week if you were a big channel and you could sustain but it's not that way anymore there may be a very a very special small group that can do it but for the most part it's consistency and repetition because people want to see what they want to see and if they don't see what they want to see from you they will go find it somewhere else because there are a million other channels in line ready to hand them content if you aren't step number two and this is going to sound kind of off for a second but hear me out on this trending topics and clickbait now what do I mean by that now if you want to do your channel and you are a fan of growing roses in a garden then by all means go grow roses in a garden but that doesn't seem to be a very popular topic right now on YouTube so what do I mean by trending and clickbait you need to focus on trending topics and clickbait now hold on guy. what do you mean clickbait how dare you tell people that the way to grow their channel is clickbait let's get in reality people okay I want you to come with me for just a second and I want you to I want you to look all of the big channels have figured out ways to incentivize people to click on their videos now I am NOT saying clickbait in the terms of lying about your content but it is a special art when you can make your thumbnail in your title coexist with the content in the video and make people want to click on it you want them to click on it's no different than when somebody goes to Walmart and they go to the checkout and all of those candy bars and packs of gum are lined there at a certain level they paid somebody to study on what certain height level and where to put those within hands reach because people are impulsive and they will buy it it is no different than the YouTube sub box people are impulsive they will click on something that they feel they want to know what's actually going on with that story behind the thumbnail so figure out how to involve your content with trending topics that people want to watch remember you want to get to a thousand subs you need to be putting out content that is interesting to people and you may have your special genre that you want to do but you got to figure out a way to mix the trending topics with your content and with that you need to know how to title and how - actually clickbait I hate the word clickbait because it's more about creativity the ones that are clickbait that are bad are the ones that just false they give you false information there's nothing in context with their content relevant with their thumbnail and title those are bad but somebody that's creative to get you to click on a video with a cool thumbnail and a title that is relevant to me that is perfect if you guys would like a focused video on exactly that how to title tag and thumbnail your videos and focus on trending topics let me know in the comments section and we could do that as a follow-up video to this one step number three on your road to 1000 subscribers people like to judge on the end result of where a youtuber is but people rarely see the grind that went into where that youtuber got where they're going what I mean by that is everybody sees PewDiePie or everybody sees, your favorite vlog channel or roosterteeth and people don't put that with all the hard work and the grinding that these channels did for years most of these big channels have been youtubing it for multiple years
we're talking over five years yes there are some that hit lightning in a bottle and they go viral but for the most part for the most part your dedicated
channels that are out there have been grinding for years and people tend to forget that so when you're looking at and you're looking up at all these massive channels don't let it deter you don't let it bring you down remember they were, where you are at one point in their career that is big it's mental focus is a huge part of this you have to have clear clarity and you have to have consistency and not let anything affect you or bother you all you can focus on is your reality your little bubble of what you're doing with your YouTube you can't judge you versus somebody else step number four and this goes without saying everybody knows this but I have to put it in there just in case there is somebody that isn't aware of it equip it you have to have decent quality for your videos we are past the stage of 480p people and I know most everybody knows that but I still go on YouTube I still browse and I still see people uploading content like that and it's you can get even you could get decent quality even with a a cell phone camera now so equipment and I understand equipment is expensive so do it in baby steps with what you need but get the base equipment research and once again I could do another video and help you guys out with that if you wanted to as well but there is equipment out there that is affordable you don't have to go out and get the thousand dollar mic that your favorite youtuber has or this amazing camera that this guy has there is equipment out there that you can use that is affordable so budget shop there is nothing wrong with budget shopping I know you want to have that gaming setup or that YouTube set up and let everybody see it but that's for a different time that's for down the road don't focus on that right now step number five there are no original ideas well there may be occasionally but they're very very rare most ideas have been used and reused and rehashed and turned around and manipulate it into something else and that's okay they aren't really around anymore because we're on the internet we have access to everything but it is okay for you to put your spin on a popular idea there is nothing wrong with that forget all the people that say oh don't copy his content or you're just doing what he did if you see something fun like a top ten or a series or a vlogging channel or hell if the trend right now is mailing yourself in a box if you want to give it a try in your own spin go for it don't listen to people you can do what you want just put your spin on it a perfect example is my top ten series I in no way created top tens at all wasn't even close to the first person but what I did was put my spin on it and made it a community feel with Twitter so that's how I've done my top tens on Sundays I involve Twitter they get to be showcased in the top tens and that is my little spin on top tens you guys can do the same thing there is nothing wrong with taking an idea and putting your spin on it step number six don't battle sub boxes deering at prime time what I mean by that is there is a prime time for YouTube for most people it's usually between 1 p.m. to about 4 to 5 p.m. depending on your time zone that is when the bulk of the videos go up as a small Channel don't battle that primetime sub box placement you're not going to win you're just going to get swallowed up so check your analytics dive into your analytics see who's watching see when they're watching and then upload off a time that you can get away with it's not during Pride time go it during an off-peak time now you may not get as many views okay but you will be able to get out there a little more because you aren't saturated during the primetime that most of your bigger youtubers are uploading so I would suggest in the evening or depending on your time zone in the morning just try to work your way around the primetime of sub boxes because you will you will get swallowed up you'll get frustrated and nobody will see your content step number seven interact and this goes without saying but I'm going to say it anyway reply to comments tweets anything that you can do to show these people that are taking five minutes out of their day to engage with you in a busy busy world where things are going fast show them that you actually care engage with them that is one thing I have always done and I will continue to do is engage with my viewer base it is the most important thing because they're there for you you need to be there for them as well step number eight I want to post what I want to post I've heard this numerous times well I want to post what I want to post I don't care what goes on well there's two choices here there's a there's a fork in the road for you if you want to go down the left path and post whatever you want to post then by all means do it you have free will choice and it's a free world and you can do that but if you want to go down the path of growing your channel you have to put that to the side it can't be I want to post what I want to post mentality yes you can post what you're passionate about but like I said earlier it needs to be able to connect to trending topics that people are looking for and they have to want to click on it so yes post if you like video games post video games if you like vlogs post vlogs but you need to make sure that those are intertwined with what people are actually searching on YouTube step number nine thumbnails now we talked a little bit about it in step number two with trending topics click baits and titles but thumbnails is by far the most important thing you need to learn Photoshop get somebody that can help you you want to have i popping thumbnails because they are the first line of defense and getting somebody incentivized to click on your content a lot of people don't even read titles anymore they simply judge by the thumbnail and it is to me the most important piece of getting somebody to go watch your videos and once again there's a fine line in an art to making it a clickbait thumbnail that is also contextual to the content that you have in the video so thumbnails thumbnails thumbnails focus on your thumbnails step number 10 the final step of this video have realistic expectations on your growth do not start your channel and look at all the big channels and say I want to be growing five thousand subs a day and five hundred thousand views a day I want to be there if you focus on that you'll never get there because you're focused on what they're doing instead of your little bubble and your reality focus on yourself focus on your expectations if you start out and you get ten subscribers the first week try to get twenty subscribers the next week if you get 50 views on a video for the first time try to get a hundred views on the next one baby steps your way up and you'll find as you go it'll start to snowball on its own and it has nothing to do with you it has to do with your body of work now I'm going to give you guys two thoughts really quick this is a long video but think about this one you have an advantage being small I know that sounds crazy and YouTube is just a whirlwind of crap right now and nobody knows how to figure out the algorithm so on so forth but if the algorithm is what people are saying it is and it's got to do something with click-through rate of your subs it is advantageous for smaller channels because they don't have all of those dead subscribers so you may be an advantage by being small if you build that core base and they come back every video and watch you are going to see some growth you're going to see some snowball effect as you go if you stay consistent and the other little piece of advice from me to you is group up find people that have the same focus and drive as you that are around your size there's a reason that the sidemen do so well or the faze clan does well or the TK house or all these little groups they're not little anymore but these groups of people that work together with their content and they help each other grow so if you can find people around your size that want to collab and intertwine one shout out doesn't do it anymore people not in 2017 but if you find some people that consistently want to produce content with you you're at an advantage and that is it guys ten steps to help you get your first thousand subscribers in a week in 2017 on YouTube I hope this was helpful if it was drop a like on the post and tell me about your objections in the comment sections and I will be checking them out as this post goes out hope you have a fantastic day and I'll see you later!...


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